5 GDC Play Booths that Nailed It at GDC 2015 from IndieGameGirl
“A booth that does it’s job not only attracts attendees and the press, it leaves a lasting impression. People who interact with well-designed booths learn more about your game on their own, as well as share what they learn with others.”
Zoink! at PAX East 2017
“Going to conventions like these will cost money. It might be less or more than we spent, but for an indie dev it’s quite the investment either way. So if you’re gonna have a booth, make sure it looks nice and makes it easy for people to come in and play! It should draw people’s…
9 Tips for Showcasing at Events by Andreea Vaduva
“Showcasing at events can get a bit expensive, especially if you have to travel by plane. So, as an indie developer, we are entitled to ask ourselves why would we invest in events, when we could pour that money in online advertising? Here are a few key areas that an event covers and turn useful…
Ysbryd at PAX East 2015
“We actually didn’t have any sort of Ysbryd Games branding visible, other than subtle, small logos attached to each of the various games’ banners. This was a big mistake on our part, much as we believed that it was better to help push the identity of our devs’ games. A lot of people believed our…
The 5 trends that defined the game industry in 2016 by Gamasutra
“2016 was the year that these fears and gut feelings began to creep into observable reality: As the quality bar rises on indie games, so do development costs; discoverability continues to be an issue as games flood the market; hits become bigger and fewer, squeezing out more indies; game devs have more and more in…
How we increased our number of subscribers by 150% at MAGFEST
“One of the biggest mistakes we could have made would have been to show off an unfinished project. Using resources such as r/gamedev and consultants like Xelnath (Alexander Brazie)., we tested and retested our demo. After 8 months of gathering feedback, we created a strong well-balanced set of levels that delivers a lot of action…
Epistory at PAX South 2016
“We had a very basic booth and wanted to put our own little touch on it. We brought a roll up of Epistory and built a fox face-like paper bowl, with candies in it. I confess that it’s easier to find ideas when your game has a papercraft/origami art style like ours! We also placed…
Five Awesome Hacks for Exhibiting your Indie Game at PAX or GDC
“Binder clips, to the indie game convention exhibitor, are like rolls of duct tape to a handyman: an incredibly useful and versatile secret weapon that you’ll find yourself using over and over for unexpected reasons. In a sea of lousy office supplies that break, fail, and ruin things, binder clips are (for lack of a better descriptor),…
Reassembly at PAX Prime 2014
“On the show floor, explaining the game succinctly over and over again and watching people’s reactions completely changed how I though about the game myself. Many things I thought of as core features turned out to be irreverent or too complex to explain, and things I thought of as trivialities turned out to be very…